What are the remedies?
Also known as flower essences, the Bach remedies are a gentle, yet powerful, healing system discovered by Dr. Edward Bach, a respected British bacteriologist, physician and pathologist.
How do they help?
“I feel like myself again.”
I never fail to smile when I hear this from my clients. So often, we find ourselves feeling adrift from who we are. The Bach remedy system helps us find the path back to our centre. When we feel centred it has a positive impact on all areas of our life.
How we think and feel is not only about our emotional well-being. It also has a direct impact on our physical health. By acknowledging and identifying imbalances in our emotions, the remedies can return us to an equilibrium of health too. This is because when our emotions are in balance, we are able to heal and rejuvenate – enabling us to live life to the fullest.

How do I know which remedies I need?
The system comprises of 38 remedies, each of which impacts upon a particular type of emotion.
Dr. Bach purposefully intended for the system to be simple to learn so the knowledge wouldn’t be limited to use by the medical profession. With strong self-awareness, you will be able to identify your own emotional imbalances and choose the remedies best suited to your restoration. Remedies can be purchased directly from the manufacturer or from a variety of authorised retailers.
What if I need support to identify imbalances?
Although we can be aware of the stronger emotions we regularly experience, it can be difficult to view our own situation objectively enough to identify the full extent of an imbalance. A strong emotion may be constructed from several other imbalances, each of which need to be addressed to restore balance.
As a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner I am trained to support my clients throughout the consultation process, to identify, acknowledge and treat imbalances using the correct remedies. Working to the Bach Foundation’s Code of Practice, I will work one to one with you, to create a bespoke recommendation of one or several remedies.

Bach flower Images courtesy of The Bach Centre